Sunday 9 March 2014

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The futuristic Dominion Apartment

By: nicebabe20 On: 10:36
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  • This futuristic and incredibly beautiful design is what the owner see when entering its apartment in Moscow, Russia. The luxury home was dubbed Dominion and was designed and made possible by the team at Geometrix Design. This was actually a custom-designed residence, with express wished and preferences from the customer.
    The Dominion features no bare walls and a perfect balance between materials, colors and textures used to create this beautiful living space. There’s an attractive textured wall made of natural rock with customized sawing of elements, while the walls in the lobby and the living room were coated with alcantra panels. Inside the kitchen, including the cupboards fronts, decorations consist of natural slate.

    However, the home theater is the center of attention inside this home, because it is not only a functional item necessary in a modern, 21st century living room, but also a perfect art object. The geometric design astonishes with its functionality, while at the same time not interfering with the purpose of function. But don’t be confused, since this place contains a huge storage system, each facet being a cabinet door hiding shelves and drawers.
    If you can make it to the bedroom, the trend continues with the doors of the cabinets and the dresser made under the architects’ supervision, while on the walls there are panels made of cream nut solid wood. There’s even a children’s room, but I’ll let you guys find it in these pictures. I’m curious as t


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